
Cookie Policy

We use cookies when operating tellmescotland. A cookie is a small file consisting of letters and numbers that we store in your browser. Cookies help give you a better experience when using our website. They cannot be used to identify you personally.

We explain below the types of cookies we use and why we use them. By continuing to use tellmescotland or clicking on ‘Accept’, we shall assume you are happy with our use of cookies. If you don’t like our use of cookies, you can block them by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. Your browser’s ‘Help’ section will tell you how to do this. However, if you do use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of tellmescotland.

You can also visit the AboutCookies for more information about cookies and how to manage them.

We only use cookies that are essential to ensure that our website operates correctly. They help you move around the secure areas of the site, remember that you’ve signed in and let you access the services you have enrolled for without having to sign in again.

We don’t use any other kind of cookie. The table below shows you the cookies that we use:

Service Cookie name Expiry period Purpose Cookie type
tellmescotland JSESSIONID Session Manages the session for the request, differs pre-login and post login Essential
mygovscot myaccount _shibsession Session Manages session post login Essential

When you log out or close your browser all cookies expire. This means that we can no longer use them.